
New AI Tool Reveals Hidden Heart Disorders from ECG Photos, Developed by Cardiovascular Data Science Lab (CarDS)

A novel deep learning application has been introduced to offer an automated screening solution for left ventricular (LV) systolic dysfunction, a condition known to significantly diminish the heart's pumping efficiency. LV systolic dysfunction is associated with frequent hospitalizations and an elevated risk of premature mortality. Detecting this condition early is vital for timely intervention with medications, but identifying it before symptoms manifest has been a challenge.

Addressing this issue, the Cardiovascular Data Science Lab (CarDS) Lab has developed an innovative artificial intelligence (AI)-based approach that focuses on interpreting electrocardiograms (ECGs) for global use. Conventionally, diagnosing LV systolic dysfunction required specialized cardiac imaging techniques like echocardiograms or MRI scans, which are limited by technological access and expert availability. In contrast, ECGs are widely accessible and a routine part of clinical practice around the world.

The uniqueness of this method lies in the integration of AI for analyzing ECG data, revealing markers of LV systolic dysfunction that might not be easily discerned by human cardiologists. The AI algorithm was trained on an extensive dataset comprising ECGs alongside data from imaging tests, enabling it to learn intricate patterns and indicators associated with cardiac structure and functional abnormalities. This AI "super-reader" has the potential to deduce insights into LV dysfunction from a basic photograph or scanned image of a 12-lead ECG, thereby widening the scope of early detection and diagnosis.

Extensive testing of the algorithm was conducted across diverse clinical settings in the United States, as well as in a community cohort in Brazil, demonstrating its suitability for global implementation. This AI tool not only aids in the prompt diagnosis and treatment of existing LV systolic dysfunction cases but also identifies individuals at risk of developing the condition in the future. This anticipatory approach to recognizing high-risk individuals holds promise for implementing preventative measures and interventions, potentially alleviating the burden of LV dysfunction-related health challenges.

Harvard Medical School - Leadership in Medicine Southeast Asia47th IHF World Hospital Congress